thReader Documentation

Here you will find the documentation for thReader. You can use the stuff here to spice up your adventure, or exclude it.


You can tint the background and foreground using the [tr-tint] command.
It does not set the background to the hex code, but it instead does some fancy math to get it tinged with the color.

[tr-tint 0f0]

It keeps the tint until you apply another tint, or use [tr-tint clear]. The tint can be one of the following:


thReader only checks threads for new messages every few minutes.
If you want your thread to reload instantly, DM the bot a link to your thread!
If you don't know how to, go to Discord → Settings → App Settings → Advanced → Developer Mode, and turn it on.
Then, right-click on your thread in the channel list and select "Copy ID".
Then, DM the bot: <#THE ID YOU COPIED>. It should look like <#1081781209518055484>.
If it worked, Discord will likely make it look like a link to the channel inside the message composer. This is fine--just hit send!
If it worked, the bot will react ✅. If it failed, it will react ❌. If it didn't detect a channel link, it won't react at all.


To prevent your thread from appearing on thReader, send a message with the content:


To prevent a message from showing up on thReader, it needs to include the following. You can edit old messages to exclude them, as well! Though their exclusion will not be instantaneous.
